Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
Українська Католицька Церква Свв. Петра і Павла
Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава навiки!
Slava Isusu Khrystu! Slave Naviky!
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
Presented & Moderated
Andrij W. Chornodolskyj
Ukrainian Children's Stories Exhibition in Jenkintown
You are cordially invited to join us the second Sunday of each month on interesting topics of Ukraine. The presentation begins at 12:15PM. Admission is FREE. Sandwiches, desserts and drinks will be available. Donations will be accepted for medical needs of Ukrainian Wounded Soldiers. Please share and join us for a learning experience in good company.
God Bless our endeavor.
September 10, 2023 Historical context of Ukrainian emigration to the United States pre-World War I and after World War II. Books introduced with brief overview: Myron Kuropas-Ukrainians in America, Alexander Lushnytsky, Ph.D- Ukrainians of Philadelphia and other examples. Open discussion about film and subject matter. Film- Baba Babee Skazala
October 8, 2023 Ukrainian musical Instruments legacy presentation in Dioramas by Luba and Andrij Chornodolsky. Film: Music of Survival-The Story of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
November 12, 2023 Understanding the Holodomor-Ukraine’s famine-genocide 1932-1933. “Ninety years later another genocidal war in Ukraine. Genocide as defined by International Law” presentation by Andrij W. Chornodolsky Film: Bitter Harvest
December 10, 2023 Presentation of Christmas Eve traditions in Ukraine and Christmas Carols Film: Christmas in Lviv by renowned popular singer Ruslana
January 14, 2024 History of Ukrainian dance in America Surprise Guest Speaker -renowned dance choreographer to be announced. Film-”Folk-Finding our red dancing boots.”
February 11, 2024 Discussion-History of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. Guest Speaker to be announced. Book Review “Bishop Soter Ortynsky” by Rev. Iwan Kaszczak Film: Metropolitan Andrey by Oles Yancuk
March 10, 2024 Discussion- The Orange Revolution as prelude to the Russia invasions of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk and the full-scale War against Ukraine, the time periods of 2014 till the present. Film: Freedom or Death by Damian Kolodiy
May 24, 2024 Discussion -The role of media in either telling the truth or perpetration of lies-the case of Gareth Jones and Pulitzer Prize winner Duranty. Pictorial display Memorializing the Holodomor Film- Mr. Jones-The Truth Can’t Be Hidden Forever by Agnieszka Holland
Presentation -Understanding Ukraine’s complex modern history and its relationship with its eastern and western neighbors. Focus on pre- and western neighbors. Focus on pre- and post-World War I. The contrast of the 20th and 21st centuries in terms of foes and friends. Film: Bereza Kartuzka by Yurij Luhovy
June 9, 2024 Prefaced by a historic analysis of the history of Crimea and of the Crimean Tatar Nation and its role in the present Russo-Ukrainian War. Film: CHAJTAPMA Renowned classic film about the tragedy of the forced deportation of the Crimean Tatars exiled by Stalin in 1944
July 13, 2024 Unanswered Questions about Ukrainian History and identity- a panel discussion-When did Rus become Ukraine? Film: Ukraine-The Birth of a Nation by Jerzy Hoffman
August 10, 2024 Highly well reviewed and Film Festivals awarded historical overview of seventy years of Soviet terror Film: The Soviet Story by Edvins Snore